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News and Analysis

Falsification of Age by New Prisons Boss

Shows the fraud of an anti-corruption campaign!   Kick him and the Minister of Interior Out, NOW!! Mr Ja'afru Ahmed, the newly appointed Comptroller-general of Prisons is clearly a fraudulent character...

Budget “Padding” and the Bosses’ Rule

The revelations by Mr. Abdulmumin Jubrin, who was until recently Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriation goes to confirm the fact which working...

Sexual Harassment Bill – Against Lecturers

A bill prohibiting sexual harassment of students by lecturers in tertiary educational institutions has passed its second reading in the Senate. The Senators in its affirmation debate on...

A Critical Look at Globalisation

In his critical introduction to “Globalization and the Nigerian Labour Movement”, the labour activist and intellectual, Femi Aborisade, gave in-depth definition of globalization. He categorizes the...

A Report of the General Strike

The tenth general strike in Nigeria since 1999 was recently ‘suspended’ by the Nigeria Labour Congress after five days.  The strike was against the...


United Action for Democracy, the pan-Nigerian coalition of radical civic organisations which SWL is affiliated to responds to the draconian hike in the price...

Kick out the Corrupt Senate!

Corruption has always been the favourite pastime of the rich and mighty in Nigeria. While they are ever quick to point out that there...

Nigeria on the Precipice; A Case for Socialism

Nigeria was created by the British colonialists as part of its imperialist expansion in Africa, for the accumulation of capital. The colonialists did not...

On Trade Unionism

the bureaucracy and the rank and file Trade Unions are among the earliest and longest lasting forms of working class organization. Trade unionism arises from...

Anti-austerity Symposium holds in Benin

In response to the harsh socio-economic conditions and crude taxation that are imposed on Nigerians, the Youth Against Austerity(YAA) held a symposium on Sat...

On the Energy Crisis

The past few months have been hell on earth for the immense majority of Nigerians as petrol scarcity and sustained power outage have made...


It is now a year since General Muhammadu Buhari was elected as president on the platform of the All Progressives Congress. It is also...

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From Kenya to Nigeria, Africa Must Reject IMF and World Bank...

"When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny" - Anonymous Eyes have seen and ears...

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The 1989 Anti-SAP Revolt

In 1989, thousands rose in protest against the IMF and World Bank-inspired Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP). This supported the lavish lifestyles of corrupt government...