Falsification of Age by New Prisons Boss


Shows the fraud of an anti-corruption campaign!  

Kick him and the Minister of Interior Out, NOW!!

Unknown-7Mr Ja’afru Ahmed, the newly appointed Comptroller-general of Prisons is clearly a fraudulent character as demonstrated by his recent age falsification of age. This criminal action appears to have the support of retired General Abdulrahman Bello Dambazzau, the Ministert of Internal Affairs – a key member of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration.

Mr. Ahmed joined the prison service at the age of 28 on November 30, 1985. His date of birth at the time was July 21, 1957. This was until last year, after the Buhari administration was inaugurated.

All of a sudden, two years were sliced out of the prison Czar’s years! As at the time, he was the sixth in line to the plum job of Comptroller General, as an Assistant Comptroller General of Prisons.

He is an old friend of General Dambazzau who obviously wanted his ally to benefit from the perks and privileges of the highest office for jailors before retiring (and enjoying such consolidated benefits for life).

This is the face of the anti-corruption campaign of the supposedly holier-than-thou regime of the All Progressives Congress. Cronyism, nepotism, favouritism and fraud continue in the interest of a few, just as it did under the equally rotten PDP governments.

This is not the first test case of just how true the “change” apostles are to their much credited commitment to stamping out corruption in the fabric of Nigeria’s polity.

In May, Ms Benedicta Daudu, a member of the Presidential Advisory Committee against Corruption had to resign from the committee as a result of an examination malpractices scandal.

Dauda who is an associate professor of law and head of the jurisprudence and international law department of law at the University of Jos was caught red-handed while cheating during examinations for a Masters degree she was pursuing in Research and Public Policy in the same university.

The only reason she stepped aside was because there was huge outcry against this sordid act. Attempts to hush up the matter became impossible otherwise she would still have been passing herself off to Nigerians as someone fighting against what she herself is guilty of – shameless corruption!

We must equally shout out now, against both Mr. Ja’afar Ahmed the fraud and General Abdulrahman Dambazzau his equally fraudulent godfather. More importantly, we must learn the key lesson from these reality of the anti-corruption campaigners: all sections of the bosses’ class are irredeemably corrupt.

Corruption is written into the DNA of capitalism. The bosses’ system breeds and thrives on corruption. It comes in different shapes and styles, but “man know man” is what keeps the high and mighty going. We must reveal them for what they are – despicable men and women without honour. More importantly, we must fight relentlessly to overthrow their corrupt system and build society anew on the basis of equality, social justice, cooperation and solidarity from below.

Such a new system brought about and rooted in workers’ power is socialism.

by Yusuf Lawal



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