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The Politics of Capitalists Are Based on Lies

“The history of all hitherto existing societies is a history of class struggle”. Karl Marx (1818-1883) Nation-states emerged with force as creations of a local ruling...

AI & Job loss: How Capitalism is Weaponising Knowledge Against Workers

There is a new wave of research and development in the technological advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The birth of ChatGPT appears to mark a...

May Day: A History of Struggle, Solidarity, and the Socialist Movement

The 1st of May is International Workers Day. Today, we celebrate it as a public holiday in most countries across the world, including in...

Labour Party Does Not Stand for Workers

The 2023 elections throw up the question; what type of party do the working class and other exploited people need to liberate themselves and...

Iva Valley Massacre: The Blood Never Dried

Friday 18 November 1949 is a day that the working-class and radical activists in Nigeria must never forget. The colonial government killed 21 striking...

The Nigerian Economic Development

“Development is not simply economic growth”, argues Alpha J. Marshall, a member of the SWL and convener of the More Action Less Talk (MALT)...


The past few years have been burdensome for the vast majority of Nigerians. Life has become one nightmare after another. But traditional politicians and...

A Decade of Resistance

The working people rose in their millions in January 2012 to resist the 120% increase in fuel pump price that the PDP government gave...

CORE Organizes Political Education for Activists

On Saturday, 26 February 2022, the first batch of activists from affiliates of the Coalition for Revolution (CORE) commenced the first, in a series...

Remembering Teslim “Samore” Oyekanmi (17/11/69-2/10/11) – Brain Behind the Police Rank-and-File strike (2002)

It’s now a decade since we lost Samore. He was a fearless revolutionary, versatile unionist, brilliant activist and unrepentant Mayost who lived life to...


The poor masses in Nigeria have never had things so bad. Poverty, insecurity, corruption, and repression have become the order of the day. But...

The National Question and Self-determination in Nigeria

As we reported in the last edition of Socialist Worker, the revival of separatist politics has again brought heated discussions on the national question...

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Stop The Attacks on NLC, Iva Valley Bookshop; Free Detained Protesters

The sustained attacks of the repressive apparatus of the state under President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s rule is unacceptable. Over the past few weeks, the...

Food Sovereignty and Hunger

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The 1989 Anti-SAP Revolt

In 1989, thousands rose in protest against the IMF and World Bank-inspired Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP). This supported the lavish lifestyles of corrupt government...