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The Crises And Struggle Today; What Is At Stake?

We are living through a period of severe generalised crisis of capitalism. In the words of Joseph Stiglitz, the Noble Laurette and Keynesian economist,...

May Day, COVID-19 and Nigerian Workers

For the first time in four decades, Nigerian workers will mark May Day without parades and fanfare. Most of us will be at home,...

Nothing Can Stop an Idea Whose Time Has Come: #RevolutionNOW

Justice Inyang Ekwo of the federal high court in Abuja wrote his name with the ink of ignominy into the history books on 12...

Herder-Farmer Clashes: A Call for Working People’s Unity

The herder-farmer clashes have been treated in a simple ahistorical manner by most of the media in a way that demonizes the Fulani. But,...

100 Years On: Luxembourg & Liebknecht Live!

Rosa Luxembourg & Karl Liebknecht were murdered a 100 years ago on the orders of Gustav Noske, the self-declared "bloodhound" of reaction in the...

Nigerian workers, minimum wage and capitalism

The amount determined as a minimum wage has political, economic and social importance. Minimum wages are not simply products of negotiation. There are many...

Samir Amin – the loss of a Prolific Writer

The Egyptian-French economist and writer Samir Amin died in August 2018.  Although he wrote many useful books, his view of socialism and class struggle...

Karl Marx for Changing the World

Karl Marx was born in the German town of Tiers on 5 May 1818. The body of ideas and method of critique to understand,...

When Workers’ Power Shook the World

The October Revolution, a 100 years ago, in Russia was a turning point in history. Workers rose, seized power and tried to build socialism;...

We Must Dare to Invent the Future

Che Guevera and Thomas Sankara were two revolutionaries that inspire youth and working-class people in the struggle for a better world. They were both...

Africa, democracy and elections; a critical perspective*

Almost 2,000 public officials will be elected by Kenyans in August. These include the president, senators, county governors and members of the national and...

Labour Party: an open letter to the NLC Political Commission

  I wish to commend the attention being given to a party of labour by Congress at this juncture, and the efforts of your...

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From Kenya to Nigeria, Africa Must Reject IMF and World Bank...

"When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny" - Anonymous Eyes have seen and ears...

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The 1989 Anti-SAP Revolt

In 1989, thousands rose in protest against the IMF and World Bank-inspired Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP). This supported the lavish lifestyles of corrupt government...