Socialist Worker, January-February 2019



2019 General Elections: No to the Bosses’ Parties!

News & Comment

Why Do We Hate Structural Adjustment?

Workplace & Union

No to National Council of State’s N27,000!

Power of Resilience Against Bi-Courtney at MMA2: United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Women’s Rights

Women Should Have the Human Right to Control their Own Bodies

A Feminist Manifesto for The 99%

Education & Youth

Much ado about NANS and its discontents


Floods and Climate Change

Left Footprints

100 Years On: Luxembourg & Liebknecht Live!

International Perspective

Victory of right-wing populism in Brazil

Anti-Austerity Demonstrations Against the ZANU PF Ed Junta Must Continue: Workers Must Lead!



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Next articleA Feminist Manifesto for The 99%