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May Day: Imperative of Working Class Solidarity and Revolution

On 1 May, workers worldwide celebrate May Day, also which is the International Workers' Day. It carries profound significance for the workers in Nigeria,...

Students’ Loans Scheme: Another  Policy to Plunge Nigerians Into More Hardship

Socialist Youth League vehemently opposes the Students’ loan reenactment bill signed into law by President Tinubu. While some of the most glaring criticisms of...

SWL Calls for Mass Resistance to the 240% Electricity Tariff Increment

The anti-people and die-hard neoliberal capitalist regime of Bola Tinubu is taking its economic attacks against the people forward with a 200% increase in...

Unequal Exchange and Foreign Investment In Nigeria

Unequal exchange in international trade allows advanced capitalist countries to exploit developing countries like Nigeria. It represents a key economic mechanism of capitalist imperialism....

SYL Finds Tragic Incident at Nasarawa State University Outrageous: Students’ Death Over Palliatives for...

The Socialist Youth League (SYL) is gravely concerned over reports of the tragic death of two students of the Nasarawa State University, earlier today....

NO TO HUNGER & POVERTY! Workers & Youths, Unite & FIGHT!! The People United Cannot...

Life has never been as difficult for poor working people in Nigeria’s history as in recent times. The people; workers, poor farmers, artisans, traders,...

Health Worker Migration, Repressive Measures & Rank-And-File Nurses Fightback

Rank-and-file nurses in Nigeria rose to challenge new regulations issued in a 7 February circular by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN)...

Inspire Revolution & Inclusion of Women’s Liberation

Women in Nigeria joined women worldwide to commemorate International Women’s Day again on March 8. The official theme for this year was “Inspire Inclusion.”...

We Are Digging the Graves of Our Oppressors Across Nigeria

"The development of Modern Industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very foundation on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the...

Nigerians No Gree For Hunger And Oppression Again! From Resistance To Revolution Now: Fight...

The Coalition for Revolution welcomes the surge of mass actions by the poor Nigerians and youths over the last few weeks. Hunger, unemployment, insecurity,...

Sowore: FGN Drops Charges, Putting the #RevolutionNow Victory in Perspective

On Thursday 15 February, the Federal Government of Nigeria dropped all charges against Omoyele Sowore, National Chair of the African Action Congress, in a...

Recession in Nigeria and Britain: Economic Crisis is Built into Capitalism; Unite and Fight...

I have seen quite some people post about the recession in Britain and attempt to justify the pitiable state of Nigeria's economy with it...

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From Kenya to Nigeria, Africa Must Reject IMF and World Bank...

"When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny" - Anonymous Eyes have seen and ears...

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The 1989 Anti-SAP Revolt

In 1989, thousands rose in protest against the IMF and World Bank-inspired Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP). This supported the lavish lifestyles of corrupt government...