SWL Statement on the Abuja-Kaduna Train Attacks


Federal Government Liable for Train Attacks & Lives Lost

SWL Empathizes with Families & Loved Ones of The Bereaved

Urgent Need for United Struggle for Revolutionary Change 

The Socialist Workers & Youth League received the news of a spate of attacks on the Abuja-Kaduna trains over the last two days, with deep concern. The first of these attacks, on Monday 28 March. Left not less than 8 people dead and at least 25 people hospitalized. Those killed included Comrade Musa Lawal, Secretary General of the Trade Union Congress (TUC) and Comrade Akin Akinsola, Chair o the Kwara State Council of the TUC.  

We empathize with the families and the loved ones of all those thus murdered in cold blood. We equally condole the Trade Union Congress and stand in solidarity with the union federation at this hour of grief.

We must unequivocally lay the blame for the unending and increasingly bloody state of insecurity in the country where it should be – at the doorstep of the Maj Muhammadu Buhari (retd)’s discredited regime. Before being elected as president of the country, he claimed to have what it takes to end increasing insecurity. But during his tenure which has thus far lasted seven years, things have gone from bad to terribly worse.

Nigerians can no longer walk, or travel in peace. Highways are unsafe, and now train rails. People can hardly sleep in their homes with both eyes closed. Fear pervades the land. Fear of being kidnapped or murdered have merged with the fear of going to bed with little food in their bellies for millions of poor people.

The APC regime has failed in every aspect of the three key pillars of its campaigns in 2015 and 2019. It has not been able to stem the tide of insecurity. It has also not been able to address the economic crisis and tame the monster of unemployment. The unemployment rate has soared to 35%. And the youth unemployment rate is a staggering 53%. This feeds into the continued siege of banditry in its different forms. 

The leopard cannot change its spots. The APC (and PDP as well) cannot get us out of the rot they have put the country into. We need a revolutionary overhaul of the system. The social context which creates a base of disillusioned youths for self-seeking bandits needs to be transformed. Only we the exploited, oppressed and marginalized masses can fight and win such revolutionary change. And the trade unions have a critical role to play in this regard.

Musa Lawal, Akin Akinsola, and all others who were killed on Monday 28 March and he scores of thousands that have been killed thus far, must not have died in vain. We urge the NLC and TUC to rise up to the challenge of the hour, to organize the needed mass movement of the people which will democratically seize power from this regime, including with our mass collective action.  


National Secretary



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