SWL Solidarity Message to PACOR on COVID-19 & Africa Liberation


Fraternal greetings comrades,

Firstly, we appreciate Pan-African Consciousness Renaissance PACOR for putting this webinar together and for the invitation extended to Socialist Workers & Youth League (SWL), to join in the commemoration of the Africa Liberation Day. We also believe that the theme is apt as it allows us to once again interpret the current reality within the context of Africa.

While a lot is not yet known about the COVID-19 pandemic, we have to place it within the context of Systemic crisis of capitalism. The conditions for the spread of this pandemic as well as other influenza outbreaks were created with the rise of intensive factory farming and capital expansion drive of the bosses. In Africa particularly, the conditions for the spread of the disease have been created by years of neoliberalism and neocolonial exploitation by the foreign and local bosses.

It is important to note that the COVID-19 crisis exacerbates an existing economic crisis. The economic recession that will follow the Coronavirus pandemic (which is already manifesting) will have serious impact across Africa.

Similarly, with the reactionary and pro-rich people responses of the capitalist states in Africa so far, it is obvious they would push the burden on the working-class people. That is also manifesting already, for instance the Nigeria government has sought for loans including from IMF which come with conditionalities that amount to austerity measures, despite the fact that such measures which contributed to where we are now. Therefore, as a matter of urgency working-class people in Africa need to organise and fight for system change. Comrades a moment of crisis is a moment of opportunities. Our revolution… the world revolution will germinate! Workers and Youth… Unite and Fight!!


National Secretary
30 May 2020



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