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Buckingham Palace’s Racist Royalty

When Uju Anya said, “I heard the chief monarch of a thieving, raping genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating” at...

International Socialist Tendency Statement on the Italian Elections

The victory of the parties of the right in the Italian elections means that for the first time since the fall of the dictatorships...

Her Imperialist Majesty Elizabeth Was Not Our Friend

When people do not know their history or it is told by their slave masters, colonizers or mis-rulers, they praise their killers and torturers...

Melilla Massacre: Matters Arising

At least 37 people were killed last Friday, in Melilla, one of the two Spanish enclaves in North Africa, with land borders into Europe....

The War in Ukraine and the Working Class

There has been a lot of commentaries and debate on the war in Ukraine over the last two months. There has been a massive...

IST Statement On the War in Ukraine

The Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February was an act of imperialist aggression and a violation of the Ukrainian people’s right to self-determination. For...

We Say: No War Over Ukraine!

The crisis over Ukraine has brought Europe closer to a terrifying war. In its essence it is a conflict between the most powerful imperialist...

What is Happening in Cuba?

Thousands of people took to the streets in Cuba, mid-July. This was the most widespread protest in the Island country since 1994. There have...

Release Frank García Hernández and His Comrades

For years, indeed decades, we have denounced the blockade imposed by the US authorities against Cuba. We have denounced and continue to denounce the...

IST Tribute to Chanie Rosenberg

It is with deep sadness that the Coordination of the International Socialist Tendency records the passing of Chanie Rosenberg, one of our foremost militants. Just...

Another day for African tyrants as Museveni the Dictator is sworn in

Today, May 12, marks another sad day in the chapter of African history. But for the African tyrants, today is another day of victory....

What Does AcFTA Mean for Working People?

The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AcFTA) came into effect on 1st January. This is the largest free trade agreement in the world, covering...

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From Kenya to Nigeria, Africa Must Reject IMF and World Bank...

"When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny" - Anonymous Eyes have seen and ears...

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The 1989 Anti-SAP Revolt

In 1989, thousands rose in protest against the IMF and World Bank-inspired Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP). This supported the lavish lifestyles of corrupt government...