We in the SYL salute all the change-seeking forces of OOU as they continue to pursue the total reversal of their cruelly hiked fees. We believe that it is a generational battle that is firmly part of the class struggle between the rich exploiters who can afford to pay whatever fees are chargred for their wards and the immense majority of poor working people, who will not be able to send their children to school when outrageous fees are charged. This struggle must thus be fought with all vigour as OOUites have done in the past days.
Needless to say, that our country has been plunged into a barbaric atmosphere where violence, mass poverty, and terrorism, have become the commonest news. And that it is the ‘ogas at the top’ who continue to loot the country dry and implement anti-poor policies that make our future the bleakest. Our world is witnessing a situation where unemployment and all forms of health hazards pervade the land. Ebola, the fast-killing disease is now feared more than death in the country. Yet, our rulers are not concerned. They continue to increase fees in schools to price education away from the poor. We youths are hopeless and are caught engaging in various anti-social and immoral activities like yahoo-yahoo; petty theft; prostitution and others.
SYL believes that only our relentless struggles can save us from this obvious wahala! This is why we commend OOUites for the aluta so far and posit that we should prepare for a more massive one if the Ibikunle Amosun-led Ogun state government refuses to reverse to #50,000 and start implementation this session. The hard battle spanning over three years in LASU that has been won is quite inspiring and a pointer to the fact that STRUGGLE PAYS.
SYL therefore urge students in OAU; EKSU; UNIABUJA; RUFUS GIWAPOLY OWO; UNIPORT; and others to stand up and fight against fees increment and some other obnoxious policies imposed on the studentry by the various governments. We can only build a new world where free, compulsory and quality education and other basic amenities would be truly given when we smash this world of ‘greed and power’ with our conscious marches. Our struggles contribute to that future!
We want to use this medium to warn Comrade Clement and some other anti-student ‘stakeholders’ to desist from the spurious attacks on the OOUites’ struggle. Students should defend themselves in the most organized manner whenever attacked, and know that their struggles will outlive all our detractors no matter how powerful!
We then call on all other students and students’ unions in Ogun state to stand and fight their own battles while also sharing solidarity with OOUites.
Fight on comrades and students; we have nothing to lose but our chains of oppression. Accept our warmest regards and solidarity.
National Coordinator.