SYL Statement on Unijos Student’s Death from Poor Healthcare & in Solidarity With Protesting Students at Unijos and UI


Socialist Youth League joins students of the University of Jos to mourn the tragic loss of Nankling Samuel, a student of the University who died at the Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) due to the poor state of health services at the university’s medical centre where she was first taken to. We stand in solidarity with Josites who have protested this sad development, demonstrating their anger and demanding better. 

Nankling’s passing serves as a stark reminder of the profound failures of the capitalist system, which prioritises profit over the lives of the people. As a sickle cell warrior, Nankling sought refuge in the university’s medical clinic, only to be met with neglect and indifference due to the insatiable greed that pervades our society. 

The ruling class is less concerned about providing quality healthcare for all. They have access to the best health services in private facilities in Nigeria or overseas. Their negligence and disregard for the well-being of the masses have cost us the life of a young student. But let us be clear: Nankling’s death is not an isolated incident. It is a symptom of a system that prioritises the accumulation of wealth for the few over the basic needs of the many.

In our struggle for justice, we must not stand alone. We call upon all students, trade unions, and working-class organisations to unite in solidarity against the capitalist forces that oppress us. Together, we possess the power to dismantle this exploitative system and build a society that prioritises the needs of the people over profit.

Furthermore, we express our unwavering support for the dental students who have bravely protested the lack of accreditation at the institution. Dentistry students have been stagnant for years due to this and have exercised their collective strength to demand their right to education. “WE JUST WANT TO GRADUATE, WE JUST WANT TO BE DOCTORS” was their cry. Their struggle is our struggle, for it is a fight against the forces of oppression that seek to deny us our right to quality education. 

Simultaneously, we witness the courageous mobilisation of students at the University of Ibadan, who resist the unjust imposition of exorbitant school fees. This attack on the poor people must be faced with unwavering resistance as we demand for an end to capitalist exploitation. We extend our support to our comrades in Ibadan as they wage their battle for accessible education.

In the face of adversity, let us stand shoulder to shoulder, united in our demand for justice and accountability. Let us harness the collective power of working-class people and youth to dismantle this capitalist system that only brings misery and suffering.


National Coordinator

Socialist Youth League




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