Stand Up for Jebbu! End Siege on Jebbu Miango Communities Now!

Press Release - 12/8/2021


Chaos erupted in Jebbu Miango community in Bassa LGA at night on 31 July 31st when armed criminals believed to be herders attacked the farming community. Seven people were killed, many were injured and well over 85 houses razed to the ground. Similar attacks were took place in Tambora community in Riyon LGA the following day, where over 8 people were killed too.

The recent series of attacks on these communities is one too many cases of insecurity in Nigeria. Meanwhile the government at both federal and state level appears to be useless to say the least, in the face of serious threat to poor people. The double attacks on the two LGAs went on for hours without interruption and total of 250 houses were recorded to be razed down and farmlands destroyed.

In wake of the recent attacks on Jebbu Miango and Tambora Communities, group of persons approach the State House to register their condemnation and call the state governor to do more towards securing lives and properties of the people. They were denied audience with the state governor, Mr. Simon Lalong, on the ground that he was busy sleeping. That nonchalance by the chief executive of the state actors shows the true characteristics of the crisis at hand.

The recent attacks on the poor communities were motivated by occupation of farmlands by armed raiders who clearly serve the interest of the bosses. It is another case of force occupation by some few elements. Poor farming communities in Plateau State l have experienced many of such attacks by armed criminals in recent past.

In addition to the pains, human lives and properties lost the double attacks have brought on to the poor farming communities, it has equally caused disruption of socio-economic activities in that environs. Among that is the disruption of learning activities of young children at Jebbu Miango Reads, a voluntarist community literacy initiative. That goes to show the failure of the ruling elements and their system to guarantee quality education and security.

No doubt siege on education is among the numerous fallouts of insecurity in the country. And following the attacks on Jebbu Miango and Tambora, letters of Boko Haram threat to attack University of Jos students are being circulated. Meanwhile, the government is doing next to nothing to arrest the menace of insecurity.

Currently, there appears to be relative calm in these communities, but we understand it is a question of time before another crisis erupts except the conditions that birthed the crisis are addressed. And as has been identified earlier, the ruling elements are incapable of resolving the crisis largely because they benefit from it. It is with our unity and determination that we can liberate ourselves from oppression and systemic crisis. Socialist Workers and Youth League (SWL) thus urges students, farmers, and workers in Plateau State particularly to organize, unite and fight. We will stand with you. Together we can win a new world!


National Secretary



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