Unemployed Youths Converge in Vain

  • For non-existing jobs at the federal secretariat

by Andrew Emelieze

Towards the end of December, millions of unemployed youths trouped daily to the federal secretariats in different states of the federation and Abuja in search of jobs. This movement was as a result of “information” spread through the social media that the unemployed should start submitting their C. V’s through the federal ministry of labour and productivity for jobs. To the chagrin of these youths, this was a false alarm. They departed the various federal secretariats highly disappointed.

The ministry of labour later clarified that it was all a scam, claiming that there are mass employment packages for youths in the pipeline. These of course are likely to be temporary jobs, furthering casualization of labour, as we have already witnessed in several APC states.

The APC’s campaign promise of N5000 as social security allowance appears to also be turning out to be a ruse. The federal government has not shown any sign that it is committed to paying the allowance. Unemployed youths are the “reserve army” of the working class. The trade unions have to be very vigorous in campaigning for their employment. SWL also calls on these marginalised mass to organise and fight. It is the only language the bosses understand properly.





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