Statement in Solidarity with the People of Sudan


We, the undersigned Pan African movements, activists and concerned individuals stand with the people of Sudan, and condemn with all seriousness the two rival factions of the Sudanese military junta, whose self-serving violent conflict has left almost a thousand people dead, 700,000 people internally displaced, and further thrown the democratic revolution which started in the country in 2019 into peril. In addition, we condemn the silence of the international community over the injustices being perpetrated against the people of Sudan who are being deprived of their basic rights in this period, including access to humanitarian service.

The unlawful and illegitimate interference of the military and armed groups within civilian regimes across the continent has for decades been instrumentalized by neo-colonial forces and their local allies to usurp civilian rule, set aside political mandates, and undermine popular sovereignty. For decades, military rule and other oppressive forces’ grip on political power on the continent, has been entrenched with violence involving mass killings, and the maiming of multitudes which leave  the people disoriented  and traumatised.

We also note the contemptuous attitude of Western governments to the situation in Sudan, demonstrated in the most graphic manner as they abandoned Khartoum with passports of Sudanese seeking refuge locked up in their embassies. This is emblematic of Western hypocrisy. We do not see the sort of focus on Ukrainian refugees for wars spurred by histories of imperialist design such as Tigray where over 600,000 have been killed. Once again, it is clear to the African people that we must take our fate in our hands, and in doing so chart a path towards a world in which the protection of human rights is not contingent upon imperialist gain.

Organisation is power, and for years the Sudanese people have proven themselves to be adept and consistent at it. The usurpation of the 2019 revolution and its aftermath by the military, other armed forces and external forces has not stopped the Sudanese people from organising towards winning freedom. The Sudanese working-class people, radical professionals and youth have shown that they can break the chains of their oppression. Trade unions and the neighbourhood resistance committees in the country have fought for and pushed the frontiers of democracy from below with the Sudanese Revolution, inspiring working people and change-seeking youths in Africa and across the world.

We stand in solidarity with them now as their struggle and very lives come under attack from armed forces both of which are reactionary forces, undermining the Sudanese Revolution, and join them in their call for (among other things):

an immediate cessation of the violence, ending the war and allowing for humanitarian, medical and public services to all affected areas;a return to the course of transition to democracy and civilian rule, including the fullest of democratic rights for trade unions, community-based associations and all other organisations of the people;a mandatory exit of the military from all political and economic spheres.

We stand with the People of Sudan, and call all revolutionary bodies across Africa to do the same, for we can not be free… #UntilWeAreAllFree.

In solidarity,

Ernesto Yeboah

Commander-in-Chief, Economic Fighters League (Ghana)

Hardi Yakubu

Movement Coordinator, Africans Rising

Baba Aye

Co-Convener, Coalition for Revolution (CORE) (Nigeria)

Dr Albie Walls (Ghana)

Dr Mjiba Frehiwot (Ghana)

Frances Akinjole

National Chairperson, Socialist Workers League (Nigeria)

Explo Nani-Kofi

Founding Member, Moving Africa PanAfricanist Organisation (Nigeria)

John Anipenda

Activist, LUCHA (DRC)

Bwesigye Mwesigire

Member, Ubuntu Reading Group

YahNé Ndgo

Freedom Builder, Ubuntu Freedom

Sanyaolu Juwon

National Coordinator, Take It Back Movement (Nigeria)

Mbaziira John Snr

Coordinator, Training and Academic Initiatives, Freedom Movement Uganda

Black Lives Matter Philadelphia (USA)

Black Lives Matter Paterson (USA)

Black Lives Matter Boston (USA)

Black Lives Matter New Jersey (USA)

Black Lives Matter Hudson Valley (USA)

Black Lives Matter Oklahoma City (USA)

Black Lives Matter DC (USA)

Black Lives Matter 5280 (USA)

Black Lives Matter Indianapolis (USA)

Black Lives Matter Houston (USA)

Prof. Horace Campbell

Chairman, Global Pan-African Movement (North American Delegation)

Prof. Obadele Kambon

Founder, Abibitumi (Ghana)

Amodani Gariba

Chairman, Nkrumahist Circle (Ghana)

Farida Mbemba Nabourema

Executive Director, The Togolese Civil League (Togo)

Nii Ardey Otoo (Ghana)

Stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Sudan. To add your name to the thousands across Africa and the Diaspora sign here:

#AfricaForSudan ✊🏾🇸🇩♥ #AfricaMUSTUnite



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