Towards revolutionary struggle after the elections: SWL/AAC symposium – 25 March


The 2023 general elections have once again confirmed that, while elections might be quite important, we cannot win our emancipation as exploited working people and oppressed youth, simply through the ballot. 

Revolution is the solution, and struggle is the pathway. We must build independent power of working people from below, not the power that is tapped into by sweet-talking capitalist politicians. The power to liberate ourselves, and indeed, the power to change the world is in our hands.

We, the oppressed, are many and the exploiters are few. Revolutionaries have to educate, moblise and organise in our workplaces, campuses, unions and neighbourhoods. 

The Socialist Workers & Youth League (SWL) and African Action Congress (AAC) are organising a symposium to look at how revolutionaries gear up for revolutionary organising in the period we are now entering. It will take place starting from 10:00am on Saturday 25 March at the Air Transport Services Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (ATSSSAN) secretariat: 77 Salami Street, Mafoluku (Concord b/stop), Lagos. Be there!

by Muda OGIDAN



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