Socialist Worker, August-September 2020



Organise! Mobilise!! Agitate!!!

News & Comment

AAC, Two Years of Popular Popular & Partisan Struggle: From Radical Reformism to Revolutionary Democracy

Increasing Repression Calls for Resistance

Unending Corruption in High Places

Stop the Demolition & Land Grabs

Workplace & Union

Strike Waves Hit Health Sector

Aviation Sector: Workers Fight Job Cuts & Privatisation

We Are Workers! Not Commodities!

ULC Returns to the Fold of NLC

Education & Youth

Re-opening Schools Now: A Recipe for Disaster

Environment & Society

Floods and the Climate Crisis: Provide Housing for the Poor NOW!

International Perspective

The Fire This Time I

Revolutionary Lives

Fighter to the End: Adieu Iturity 



Previous articleFighter to the End; Adieu Iturity
Next articleCOVID-19 • Crises • Resistance: Building Working People’s Power