Socialist Workers and Youth League (SWL) joins workers, Trade Unions and other social justice organisations taking action today July 20, in solidarity with the Strike for Black Lives demonstration against systemic racism and global capitalism’s assault which has worsened during this period of the COVID19 crisis.
Today, workers particularly in the United States of America staged actions in different workplaces and cities against racial and economic injustice as well as police brutality.
This actions which are part of the ongoing global uprising triggered by the brutal killing of George Floyd, resonate with the social reality of working-class people across the world, particularly in Africa. It is for that reason that in Nigeria on June 12 we organised demonstrations against police brutality, rape and demanded justice for George Floyd with the slogan; “We can’t breathe, Revolution Now!”.
Aside the racist killing and police violence on working-class people particularly Blacks and Latinx, their exist institutionalized racism in the workplaces and corporations.
Racial injustice is an integral part of the system of capitalism which the system fests on for its survival and it is entrenched in workplaces especially in the United States of America.
It is a fact that the system exploits all workers, Black and Hispanic workers in the big corporations are being subjected to racially hostile working conditions. That doesn’t exempt the black customers who are often mistreated by the corporations.
Among the campaigns is the fight for $15 per hour wage. Also joining the strike action are nursing home workers, janitorial workers, fast-food workers who are seriously impacted by the Covid19 and neglected by the reactionary government led by Donald Trump. That reflect that the strike for Black Lives is a strike for social justice towards the emancipation of the working-class people.
In addition we understand that to ensure justice for George Floyd and other victims of systemic racism we must fight to overthrow the system of capitalism which creates the conditions for the triple threats that black workers now face. And build on its ruin socialism from below.
National Secretary