NPC Lagos Chapter Holds Congress



sw-17_ncpThe Lagos State Chapter of the National Conscience Party (NCP) will hold its Congress on March 25. SWL members in the state will participate as delegates, with two running for elections into the chapter’s executive body.

SWL has always maintained presence everywhere that stirrings of working-class people could be nurtured and the embers of resistance fanned. From its inception, members of the two groups that merged in 2011 to form the Socialist Workers League have played leading roles in the NCP.

In keeping with the traditions of struggle for democracy from below, SWL resolved to continue active engagement within both the Labour Party and the NCP, at its 2nd National Convention in 2012. The present state of confusion within the LP, with the trade unions fully ousted from the mainstream body of that party makes it ever more necessary for activists to join hands in work within the NCP as a radical change-seeking party which aims at abolishing poverty.

This also means fighting against interests within the party that might be seduced by the recent announcement of the General Ibrahim Babangida, former military head of state and self-described “evil genius” that NCP is to be wooed into an alliance with the remnants of the old PDP.

The forthcoming Congress represents an opportunity to consolidate on NCP’s role in Lagos state as a voice for the voiceless and a platform of struggle against the policies and politics of the bosses.

by Segun Ogun



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