Reinstate the 91 Sacked CRIN Workers NOW!


crin.protest-womenThe gates of Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), in Ibadan which has been under lock and key since November 2, as workers protested the highhandedness of Professor Malachy Akoroda, its Executive Director, has now been thrown open. This was only after the workers’ demand for the removal of Professor Akoroda as ED was upheld as a result of their mass struggle.

Socialist Workers League welcomes this victory which goes to show once again that when we dare to struggle, we dare to win! But we must not lose sight of the fact that, this struggle has deeper roots than anger against Professor Akoroda.

In January last year, CRIN sacked 91 workers. This was a first step as part of a so-called restructuring of the institute’s workforce. The workers immediately took action against this draconian step. For almost two years, they have gallantly resisted further sacks.

The demand that “Akoroda Must Go” was borne out of this resistance. Working women in the institute were heroic in this struggle. At a point they stripped naked, drawing from a traditional stock of struggle which means a curse on their traducers!

Now, Akoroda has been forced out. The workers have also succeeded in ensuring that no more worker has been sacked. But the bosses are mean and don’t ever give up, until they are roundly beaten with our fightback. They will bid their time and will not give any concession without being clear of our determination to fight until victory.

It is not yet Uhuru! Greater battles lie ahead!! We must take the struggle forward. The first step in this direction is to insist on the immediate and unconditional reinstatement of the 91 sacked workers, NOW!



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